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YouTube Question YouTube Colaberation question

John on a Bike

Active Member
When I fist started my channel I soon started to get requests for collaborations and reviews of products etc. This was good for me and helped me get more views

But as time has gone by I seem to get less and less offers which really confuses me. Surly as my channel gets bigger with more views and subscribers offers of collaboration etc should increase not decrease ?
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John on a Bike

John on a Bike

Active Member
Scammers often prey upon smaller channels with bogus offers to gain access to your channel or get some personal info from you. I don't take any offer that comes my way seriously because I know my channel is still small at 2K subscribers.

Yeah I have heard of the scammers but the collaborations I have had so far have been genuine - Sending me items for free to review and they are stuff related to my channel to. I have had a fair few in the past but now my channel is growing (still small though) I am getting less offers so I thought it was strange ??


New Member
Les escrocs s'attaquent souvent aux petites chaînes avec de fausses offres pour accéder à votre chaîne ou obtenir des informations personnelles de votre part. Je ne prends au sérieux aucune offre qui me permet car je sais que ma chaîne est encore petite avec 2 000 abonnés.
John on a Bike

John on a Bike

Active Member
No I think this has gone off track a bit - I know there are scammers out there but that is not what my questions was about. I have had 'Proper' collaborations with companies where they have sent me REAL products to review and then keep. Which is great but what I asked was why these offers seem to slow as my channel gets bigger when I would have thought it would be the other way around
John on a Bike

John on a Bike

Active Member
I understand. im sorry let me get this straight... Slow as in slow receiving the product reviews to your home ? And apart from your channel slowly getting bigger audience has nothing to do with the product your receiving.. (depends) If your normally making videos weekly you will slowly get new susbcribers slowly one or a few subs a week. If your just making normal videos of your own thing of course u will slowly get more new susbcribers if the audience like what they see about your video... And on the other hand is... be careful what they sent you because this is an actual (contract) and its almost to the point of small print letters where somehow they going to have you having to pay for the things Or if the the product they gave you... such as a phone has a bug into it... where it will spread more and more viruses and spys from people like you and anyone... I would still be very skeptical if someone sents me freebies to make a video review.. (Hell no way any company would sent you anything that is expensive.. other then more likely the product u just recveived is a clone or it has something you dont even know inside the product such as a phone for example... Its like this... who on earth will they give you a brand new FERRARI million dollar car for free for you to keep it and to review it....

And thats when no one will do such a thing for free.... specially the companies dont no who u are... but they want u to review it... But whats behind this mystery stuff... ends up in hot water if you know what im talking about in the long run. So please dont trust anything all the times because this stuff does happen.. its like fake companies sending you things for real....... where behind this... the mafia has just sent you a phone as an example in order for you to review it and oh how interesting to keep it too.... in which most likely the phone is buged inside it or you end up having to pay for this in the long run where the criminals who sents you this products takes the money off you and you end up been stuck believing everything. please be careful.... Only COMPANYS themselves do reviews of thier own products... not sent products to random users on youtube and thinking that they giving away the expensive product for free just like that.. trust me it just doesnt work like that.

Only whats authentic reviews will always come from lets say APPLE will have thier own phone reviews videos.. No way apple will sent u a free expensive iphone to make a review... because if that was the case.,... they sending it (random) to someone like you on youtube. And they will loose business.. if the phone that you got deleivered wasnt coming directly from APPLE company.. it just came from a random 3rd party person.. (that 3rd party person could be a criminal pretending to be a company for iphones and whatever) thats when you end up in all sorts of problems if not too careful... But sending freebies is NO WAY A REAL COMPANY WILL DO THAT. Only a criminal will do that. And yes criminals know how to be very smart by building a fake company and for a user like you to believe everything. Even if you recieved the product for you to review it... it all ends up you having to forcefully pay for the (get to keep it for free) yeah not really free.. its a way for the criminals to make money from people.... Please be careful.... theres alot of people believing everything what goes on the internet....

however all depends if the the
company directly just send u a product maybe they are to be trusted but that is always not the case most times.

No one will ever do that and so the smaller products that are expensive would no way give that for free to just any Random person for a random video review... most likely the small product has a clone built in or something your not even aware as they will not throw out free expensive cadgets to people to make a review otherwise the (company who sents you the product) would loose business for sending free stuff to start with and also if its coming from a 3rd party company i would be very very caution too..... Because the product lets say APPLE a iphone.. Apple didnt sent you a free expensive new phone to make a review... someone away from apple a 3rd party person sents you that and thats when you could end up all sorts of illegal problems along the way.. please be aware of that. Depending the situation it might look nothing is happening today but might end up having someone knocking at your door having you to pay to keep the products........ Because everything is a contract with or without it.

But yeah the audience part is quite normal... i only get 1 or 2 new susbcribers a week.. usually when i make a new video pretty much on youtube. It just comes naturally. Its not because im reviewing something that someone gave me to review it... Plus i had a few offers and i ignore that because who on the hell someone would want to sent me a extreme expensive rolex to make a review... seriously... when my videos that i do are walking city videos.. not jewlery videos... See what i mean?

Good luck im sure someone will help you shortly here as well.

OK thank you for all the info much appreciated
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