Question Channelytics still not working?

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New Member
Hi! Is anyone still having issues with Channelytics not loading? I know this was a problem months ago (TB said it was due to a vendor change). It briefly worked a month ago, but then disappeared again - for my own channel and other channels. I've tried uninstalling the extension and reinstalling (to Chrome). I've also tried a different browser altogether. Nothing seems to work.
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New Member
You know that comparison chart thing that pops up when you go on another channel/that chart that shows you the amount of views, subs and videos posted/obtained? Yeah the view counter isn't updating. I have posted a couple of video which most of them got like 100-2000 views and the days that I got the views show up as "0" No they are not unlisted by the way. They are public and stuff. I don't know why, the youtube total views counter is updating more and we all know that is a bit delayed. I will attach an image of the counter if you want/need to see. Please help.


  • Tubebuddyupdatetheviewcounterbro.png
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New Member
Yeah, it's still not working for me either, but I can't find any mention of it anywhere. It seems to me that they are just content to let it stay broken and bury any comments mentioning it under some statement like "We already know stop talking about it". You posted this a MONTH ago and no one from TubeBuddy has come by to say anything. That to me speaks real loud to how little they care about us. I didn't pay so I can have a broken tool. Half the time suggested keywords doesn't even work. I should never have paid for this. These people prey on new youtubers. They don't care about us they are only in it to make money. Now that I've been at this for a month I realize all of these things are a scam. Nothing will help you grow if you don't put in the work, and listening to someone tell you how you should do your channel is most definitely not helpful even in the slightest. What works for one may not work for others. My suggestion is just stop using this tool. Maybe you already have and this reply is pointless. Even if that's the case maybe someone from TubeBuddy will read this and realize they've got to do better for their customers, but it's highly unlikely.

Nody | Team TB

TubeBuddy Staff
Subscriber Goal
Hi! Is anyone still having issues with Channelytics not loading? I know this was a problem months ago (TB said it was due to a vendor change). It briefly worked a month ago, but then disappeared again - for my own channel and other channels. I've tried uninstalling the extension and reinstalling (to Chrome). I've also tried a different browser altogether. Nothing seems to work.


Heya, thank you for your patience.

Channelytic issue should be resolved now!

Yes we are also having issues with SEO score and analytics

It's a known issue, as announced on our forum notice. We're still working on it and will update our community as and when we get any news from our developers.

Nody | Team TB

TubeBuddy Staff
Subscriber Goal
You know that comparison chart thing that pops up when you go on another channel/that chart that shows you the amount of views, subs and videos posted/obtained? Yeah the view counter isn't updating. I have posted a couple of video which most of them got like 100-2000 views and the days that I got the views show up as "0" No they are not unlisted by the way. They are public and stuff. I don't know why, the youtube total views counter is updating more and we all know that is a bit delayed. I will attach an image of the counter if you want/need to see. Please help.

Usually, it takes 24-48 hours. However, it indeed looks like there are some bugs that are causing this issue.

Please can you send us a support ticket at so that our support team can investigate this issue?
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