Hello everyone...
Lovin' how you're always referring to those stats with people on the forum - do you mind sharing where/how you find out that ratio? I'd love to see what mine is, as well as being able to look at my competition and what's happening there... Thanks in advance!Just a heads up, congrats on growing your channel btw, seems to be doing well! But... I wanted to make you aware that your views to subs ratio is extremely high, it's taking over 800 views to get 1 sub. That's the highest I've ever seen the past 6 months learning YouTube. What this probably means is you're doing well with seo, thumbs, shorts, etc, but there's something missing that would cause more people to subscribe. What that is, I have no idea, but it's clear once you dial that in your subs are going to sky rocket!
do you mind sharing where/how you find out that ratio?
Fascinating stats to know! Cheers!No prob. It's based on the info publicly displayed on a channel, the number of subs and views. Views are found in the "About" section. The end result is not 100% accurate because it's typically not up to date with the exact latest figures. So we just... "total views / subs = subs per view". In your case... 4,744,558 views / 38500 subs = 123 views per sub. Which is typical of successful channels like yours. My broad based channel is closer to 500 per sub but my singular focused channel is currently at 110.
MrBeast is at 172.
I've researched a lot of sites, seems like the average is around 300-400.
I think the biggest takeaway from this info is, if your channel's views-to-subs ratio is high it either means your content is not compelling enough or perhaps you're not reaching your core target market enough.
FYI - per our chat above
FYI - per our chat above, check out Jeven's video where he posted 30 shorts in 30 days and analyzes what happened to his channel(s) over time...
You bet, Matt!That was a great video to share. Definitely food for thought planning ahead. I've been resistant to placing captions on the videos themselves simply because it is more time and energy with what I currently believe is little benefit. I am open to experimenting but always concerned about splitting my attention into two different ways of creating especially when I don't think I have mastered long-form which is where my heart is at.
I could easily get sucked into Shorts because of my semi-obsessive personality but then, I feel certain my long-form videos would be further damaged on the lack of consistency front.
But don't mind me.... keep the dialog going and I will attempt to maintain an open mind.
I KNEW you'd be all over that stat! I swear I actually did the number calc myself when I saw that video (kinda proud of me for thinking that way now of your view/sub ratio!)Awesome video, thanks for sharing! From just his shorts.... 11m views / 13k subs = 1 sub for every 846 views. Very high! This is the pattern I'm seeing as well, shorts = more views but a higher view>sub ratio, long form less views but a more targeted user resulting in a lower view>sub ratio. The revenue from shorts is so small, once you get past 1000 subs I'm not seeing much long term value from shorts. hmm.....
Very fair question - I think it all depends.Really like this thread very informative, I have been posting shorts for a few weeks now viewers have ranged from 2 - 1.2k views all very interesting. I wanted my channel to be based on wealth and lifestyle so for now I post a daily short on interesting topics around this, started with top 5 and slowly integrating other content. But like some others the main purpose of this is to build viewing times and subscriber in over a week I have had 13 new subscribers to the channel, I can only think as time goes on the count will multiply hopefully. Out of interest, how many shorts a day are other people posting to their channel?