So as ive explain it in details mainly by my truth opinions.. Just because people say oh it has to be a (ghost bot) who suddently unbscribed to the channel.. Does NOT mean everyone has to believe that from someone who doesnt even work for the Youtube CEO head office... Just because people talk about that part of bots... every one has to believe and spreads the words out there. I personally dont beleive that. I believe that (i just dont no if its a real user doing that or simply a bot) After all there is millions of users scrolling around youtube world wide every 24/7 of the day non stoppable.
I also get this annonymous of who just unbscribed and later 5 hours later the so what user has subscribed to me but i cant find out who did that if its a user he or her profile is invisible against me. This happens to me frequently... Today 1 user or maybe a user disappears off my channel... i had 466 subribers still for a week.. Today it turns out 465..... 5 hours or 10 hours later its back to 466... then its back to 465... how interesting... now iuts solid 466 back like it used to.. Who and why and what i have NO idea who does this or is someone playing just games with me as they think im looking at the numbers in my channel. or just maybe a stupid immaturity person doing that OR might as well be a ghost bot. But ghost bots dont just susbcribe and stay there for weeks... they would susbcribe and unscirbed within the same day or even hours less... But not always the case.. Could be someone playing up or just a weirdo subscribes and unscribed to the channel..
Like i said we just dont no.. Please dont come up the conclution that a bot did that without proof evidence. Just because people talk about that... you have to beleive it and spreadm the words ? Nope.. So lets say its a UNDENTIFIED person or a bot.. Its one of the both and that's all it is.. And not just a human and not just a bot that did that. After all like i said theres millions of users right now tune into youtube. Your one of them like me too... Try figuire that out. If theres bots... then does that mean there are 15 million ghost bots to do that to every single user in the 15 million users on youtube? I dont beleive thats the case.. because if thats the case 15million bots is quite alot for every per person account.. try figuire that out.
Yes its annoying when that happens... unsbcribed... then subcribed and so on back and forth.. I dont no why people do that and or why or reason or whatever the case may be... Its a weird world as you know it. NOW unless YOUTUBE CEO head office is automatically doing that to everyone to reduce the mount that goes on youtube.. Maybe they trying to cut down random users.. But i dont no... after all theres like 15 million profiles... 15+ million users watch and scrolling youtube channels and videos... So its quite a lot going on from criminals to weirdos... to inteligents to bots and yes bots but from how many bots there are on youtube is also im not sure and you sure wouldnt no neither.
Yes its sad when that happens... its annoying and happens its almost like as if youtube themseves is trying to bush back been your self popularity less with less subscribers.. as if youtube doesnt want you to be popular with big susbcribers numbers stacking up... i dont no.. BOTS .... real users doing it.. we all just dont no