Ya, sadly quantity matters more than quality. If you upload 100 videos in 50 days. One of them have the chance to go viral. When one gets viral, other videos will get noticed instantly.
Wasn't it Mr Beast who recently said that you shouldn't expect much to happen the first 100(!) videos you publish? What he did mention, which I thought was really good, is that you ought to try and IMPROVE ONE THING in the 2nd video, and 3rd, 4th etc and that's how by the time you're approaching 50-75-100 videos, you'll have a much better idea on how to go about it AND start providing better value in your videos.
I KNOW for myself, the quality of my videos are no-where near where I'd like them to be (ie video recording quality, audio quality, editing quality, etc), yet I know if I don't publish them 'as-is' with the knowledge I have at the time of shooting them, I'll get into the "analysis-paralysis".
Record, edit, publish, onto the next video.
And hopefully along the way, I'll learn and adapt video per video on how to improve things, AND provide better value to my audience.
So.... it's as if the QUALITY IS IN THE QUANTITY... if that makes sense?