User name: brianwestchest
Title of introduction: Hi, I'm new to TubeBuddy- Growing my Podcast/YouTube Channel
Your name/ Alias: Brian
Where are you from? Cincinnati, OH- Who Dey!
How did you find TubeBuddy? Ads
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? Need help understanding the value of TubeBuddy and with a particular problem with comments. I want to learn how to use TubeBuddy to the max.
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: I want to grow my channel revenue. My goal is to hit 10K subscribers this year. I'd like to earn enough to quit my day job
How frequently do you upload? Weekly. I post an hour episode once a week. But, I also post shorter videos occasionally.
What are your hobbies? I don't have time for hobbies :-(
What is your biggest dream? My dream is to be known for helping people understand their purpose in life. The whole reason for my channel is to help people improve themselves.
YouTube Channel Link:
Title of introduction: Hi, I'm new to TubeBuddy- Growing my Podcast/YouTube Channel
Your name/ Alias: Brian
Where are you from? Cincinnati, OH- Who Dey!
How did you find TubeBuddy? Ads
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? Need help understanding the value of TubeBuddy and with a particular problem with comments. I want to learn how to use TubeBuddy to the max.
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: I want to grow my channel revenue. My goal is to hit 10K subscribers this year. I'd like to earn enough to quit my day job
How frequently do you upload? Weekly. I post an hour episode once a week. But, I also post shorter videos occasionally.
What are your hobbies? I don't have time for hobbies :-(
What is your biggest dream? My dream is to be known for helping people understand their purpose in life. The whole reason for my channel is to help people improve themselves.
YouTube Channel Link: