Lifestyle Channel A small person in a big world, with a big dream!

Martin Tinggaard

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User name: Martin Tinggaard
Title of introduction: A small person in a big world, with a big dream!
Your name/ Alias: Martin Tinggaard
Where are you from? Denmark
How did you find TubeBuddy? Through Youtube videos, when I was looking for tips and tricks for new YouTubers.
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? I got intrigued by the thought of reaching a bigger audience so that I can help even more people.
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: My niche is based on two different but yet somewhat similar things. I put videos/music together to help people relax, meditate, find peace or fall asleep.

I write quotes to motivate, inspire, help people grow, heal and become wealthy in health, heart, and mind. I want people to be happy, positive, kind, and become the best version of themselves.

I love to write quotes to motivate, inspire and help people because I believe we live in a world where we need to help each other. Helping others can grant them the happiness they deserve and might make a big difference in their life, and it might even do the same for the ones helping too.

My overall goal is to motivate, inspire and help as many people as possible.
How frequently do you upload? It depends on how much time I have on my hands and how fast I come up with more quotes to write. But a minimum of two videos a week.
What are your hobbies?
What is your biggest dream?
To motivate, inspire and help as many people as possible while making a living out of it so that I can do it full time.
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