Hello everyone , I am from Cyprus. We speak Turkish in here , but my videos are in English.I have checked my audience , but noone sees my videos except Cyprus or Turkey. What can be the problem?
I don't believe your location have much to do with your viewers location, only 1.7% of my viewers are from my nation (I'm also doing videos in English living in while living in a country with another language).
Maybe it's other reasons? Maybe your content is of more interest for other people living on Cyprus? Maybe you speak with a accent that native english people don't like or are having problem understanding but is more natural to other people from Cyprus? Maybe you have picked a niche where you can't compete for the top results in the YouTube search making most of your viewers coming from other places like friends on Cyprus that you have shared your content with?
I think the best way for people from different nations to find your content is to focus on niches where your content will show up in one of the top spots in the search results.
Thanks for reply my friendits only focused when you target city or country to sell your product or other but not necessary in general videos
Thanks for reply. I have changed my location to US. My tags are English. I don't know why this happensYouTube doesn't focus much on Geography when it comes to discovery. Think about it; when you do a search on YouTube how often do you get results catered to you by geographic location?
The results that you are getting are the direct result of your audience. A certain audience is responding to your content and so it is similar audiences that YouTube is sharing you out to. You can expand this by translating your captions, titles and descriptions into different languages, but be aware that there are likely cultural things that you may not even know you are doing (a thick accent, filming style etc) which are impacting your audience and causing these results.