Sure... but be aware you are going to get some fairly biased answers. I started using TubeBuddy in 2017, but I don't own a computer so I only had the free version of the Mobile App. Used that until last fall... 200+ videos, nearly 400,000 views and 4,000 subscribers before I finally got a Legend license (FYI A/B Testing is AMAZING).
But those are all just generic numbers that could have occurred with or without TubeBuddy. The real tell-tale for TubeBuddy's value is found in my RealTime views by video. I have a list of nearly 100 videos (some over 4 years old) each of which still produces to the tune of about 10 views per day (on the low end). My top-5 videos do well, that's not uncommon. But what I like to see is all these old videos which were not top-5 still finding a life in Search. This foundation of evergreen views only grows with each video I publish, and that is in large part due simply to the keyword research I put in on the free version of the Mobile App.