Answered HELP with Tubebuddy account - banned?

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New Member
Hello all! I have been having a PRO account with TubeBuddy for some time, and only found out about TB while being subscribed to another YouTuber named Annie Dube. For some reason, there was a bunch of charges from TubeBuddy made to my Paypal, and when I alerted via ticket to TubeBuddy, I got a reply from a Jasmine about sending my credit number number over, and I advised I had Paypal (thank GOD for Paypal). Jasmine never replied back, and now I'm here trying to figure this all out -- meanwhile my TB no longer works. It shows up as if still connected to my account asking me to sign in, I do, and it goes nowhere, nothing opens up. I have no access to any of the services, yet I can type here. Weird, huh? Can someone get back to me on this because the whole point of Paypal is to avoid handing out a credit card number. My bank account was compromised and I got two of the Paypal charges reversed back to me, still waiting on three more (six altogether, TB should have only kept one of the transactions! lol). I'm not sure what to do, because technically the account is paid this month -- so why don't I have access to my PRO account? I opened another ticket in the meantime and am waiting to hear from someone, meanwhile, I have a video for a 3 PM release today and don't have access to TB so I will have to figure it out because I don't want to mess up my schedule because of this. Very disappointed! Please help!
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