I just look at the analytic and the realtime view count missing from the last 24 hour, it also happen to all of my other channels. Also five of my other channels which have about 20-50 subscribers went to zero all of them. What's happening ? I know youtube occasionally deleted subs, but is this the same case ?
EDIT : The number of subscribers still showing on the dashboard, but not when I click on my account (when you want to switch channel), it's showing "No Subscriber"
EDIT2 : I just look at TeamYoutube twitter, and there are a lot of people having similar issues
EDIT : The number of subscribers still showing on the dashboard, but not when I click on my account (when you want to switch channel), it's showing "No Subscriber"
EDIT2 : I just look at TeamYoutube twitter, and there are a lot of people having similar issues
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