User name: Basri Yahya
Title of introduction: StoryBeat 08G
Your name/ Alias: Basri Yahya / Basri
Where are you from? Dari Kota Dumai, kecamatan Dumai Kota
How did you find TubeBuddy? Iya dari Google
Iya dari seorang YouTubeber, Mang Or Channel
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? Karena saya pikir aplikasi nya sangat bangus, ternyata memang bener
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: Saya ingin mencapai 20.000 Subscribers
How frequently do you upload? Harian
What are your hobbies? Bermain alat musik,
What is your biggest dream? Saya ingin jadi Kreator YouTubeber
YouTube Channel Link: TubeBuddy
Title of introduction: StoryBeat 08G
Your name/ Alias: Basri Yahya / Basri
Where are you from? Dari Kota Dumai, kecamatan Dumai Kota
How did you find TubeBuddy? Iya dari Google
Iya dari seorang YouTubeber, Mang Or Channel
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? Karena saya pikir aplikasi nya sangat bangus, ternyata memang bener
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: Saya ingin mencapai 20.000 Subscribers
How frequently do you upload? Harian
What are your hobbies? Bermain alat musik,
What is your biggest dream? Saya ingin jadi Kreator YouTubeber
YouTube Channel Link: TubeBuddy