When you upload a Youtube video do you have to check the box that says "My video contains paid promotion like a product placement, sponsorship, or endorsement?" When you have affiliate links??? I can't really get a straight answer when I am looking it up online, I've seen a ton of popular YouTubers that have amazon links but they don't have an ad promotion thing at the beginning of their video...I was told that you have to check the box when you have affiliate links? So if I start adding tubebuddy and amazon affiliate links I would have to check that box on each upload and have that 20 seconds paid promotion think on the bottom of each of my videos? I am pretty sure you only check that box if a company wanted you to promote something of theirs? I'm kinda confused in a way because when you add affiliate links in the description I was told you just add a disclaimer to the video letting viewers know you get a cut if they use your link but I read that you have to check the box now.... My brains about to blow up