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Official BEN Announces Acquisition of TubeBuddy!


Legendary Poster
Subscriber Goal
Hello TubeBuddy Community!

Some EXCITING big changes are happening. TubeBuddy has been acquired by BEN:


You can read that article to learn more! I want to focus on the important key takeaways!

WE KNOW you will have questions so we will link to our help article: https://tubebuddy.com/ben

"The deal complements BENΓÇÖs focus on bringing brands into the world of influencer marketing by identifying, vetting, and facilitating authentic content partnerships. With its acquisition of TubeBuddy, BEN will now extend its resources directly to the creator community, helping them to grow and monetize their content initiatives, as well. The acquisition will enable BEN to bring its proprietary AI and deep learning neural networks to content creators on the TubeBuddy platform, further expanding upon the arsenal of predictive analytic tools that creators can leverage. In the future, BEN hopes to create a platform in which creators can access a full suite of customized, automated tools for expanding their businesses. "

This will help us build better tools, have more reach, and do more with TubeBuddy. I am SO Excited for all the possibilities of new tools, and I know that we will keep our focus on creating the best tools out there.

" The TubeBuddy staff will be integrated as part of the broader BEN team and its founders will continue as strategic advisors to the combined company. The TubeBuddy brand and platform will remain intact as well. "

You don't have to worry about the community changing, because it's still going to be lead by @Ikerot and myself @Andrew with the faces you know here.

We know you might be worried about tools changing and prices too, but as stated in our FAQ above:

Will the price of my TubeBuddy subscription change?
No, all of your licenses will remain at the same price.

Will any TubeBuddy features get removed?
No, all of the great tools you rely on today will remain for the future.

I have worked for TubeBuddy for the last five years, and it is my favorite Job I have ever had. We always strive to make the best tools to help you on YOUR journey for YouTube Success! With BEN we now have more tools to do so.

Thank you so much,

Andrew, Ike & The TubeBuddy Team


Known Member
TubeBuddy User
Subscriber Goal
Hello TubeBuddy Community!

Some EXCITING big changes are happening. TubeBuddy has been acquired by BEN:


You can read that article to learn more! I want to focus on the important key takeaways!

WE KNOW you will have questions so we will link to our help article: https://tubebuddy.com/ben

"The deal complements BENΓÇÖs focus on bringing brands into the world of influencer marketing by identifying, vetting, and facilitating authentic content partnerships. With its acquisition of TubeBuddy, BEN will now extend its resources directly to the creator community, helping them to grow and monetize their content initiatives, as well. The acquisition will enable BEN to bring its proprietary AI and deep learning neural networks to content creators on the TubeBuddy platform, further expanding upon the arsenal of predictive analytic tools that creators can leverage. In the future, BEN hopes to create a platform in which creators can access a full suite of customized, automated tools for expanding their businesses. "

This will help us build better tools, have more reach, and do more with TubeBuddy. I am SO Excited for all the possibilities of new tools, and I know that we will keep our focus on creating the best tools out there.

" The TubeBuddy staff will be integrated as part of the broader BEN team and its founders will continue as strategic advisors to the combined company. The TubeBuddy brand and platform will remain intact as well. "

You don't have to worry about the community changing, because it's still going to be lead by @Ikerot and myself @Andrew with the faces you know here.

We know you might be worried about tools changing and prices too, but as stated in our FAQ above:

Will the price of my TubeBuddy subscription change?
No, all of your licenses will remain at the same price.

Will any TubeBuddy features get removed?
No, all of the great tools you rely on today will remain for the future.

I have worked for TubeBuddy for the last five years, and it is my favorite Job I have ever had. We always strive to make the best tools to help you on YOUR journey for YouTube Success! With BEN we now have more tools to do so.

Thank you so much,

Andrew, Ike & The TubeBuddy Team
Big sigh of relief to see staff isn't changing :) Tool stay and prices remain. Great news


Active Member
TubeBuddy Star
Subscriber Goal
[QUOTE = "Andrew, pos: 106449, anggota: 3"]
Halo Komunitas TubeBuddy!

Beberapa perubahan besar yang MENARIK sedang terjadi. TubeBuddy telah diakuisisi oleh BEN:


Anda dapat membaca artikel itu untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut! Saya ingin fokus pada poin-poin penting penting!

KAMI TAHU Anda akan memiliki pertanyaan, jadi kami akan menautkan ke artikel bantuan kami: https://tubebuddy.com/ben

"Kesepakatan tersebut melengkapi fokus BEN dalam membawa merek ke dunia pemasaran influencer dengan mengidentifikasi, memeriksa, dan memfasilitasi kemitraan konten otentik. Dengan akuisisi TubeBuddy, BEN sekarang akan memperluas sumber dayanya langsung ke komunitas kreator, membantu mereka untuk tumbuh dan menghasilkan uang inisiatif konten mereka, juga. Akuisisi ini akan memungkinkan BEN untuk menghadirkan AI miliknya dan jaringan saraf pembelajaran yang mendalam kepada pembuat konten di platform TubeBuddy, yang selanjutnya memperluas gudang alat analitik prediktif yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pembuat. Di masa depan, BEN berharap untuk membuat platform tempat pembuat konten dapat mengakses rangkaian lengkap alat otomatis yang disesuaikan untuk mengembangkan bisnis mereka. "

Ini akan membantu kami membuat alat yang lebih baik, memiliki lebih banyak jangkauan, dan melakukan lebih banyak hal dengan TubeBuddy. Saya SANGAT bersemangat untuk semua kemungkinan alat baru, dan saya tahu bahwa kami akan tetap fokus untuk menciptakan alat terbaik di luar sana.

"Staf TubeBuddy akan diintegrasikan sebagai bagian dari tim BEN yang lebih luas dan pendirinya akan terus menjadi strategis untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan tersebut. Merek dan platform TubeBuddy akan tetap utuh juga."

Anda tidak perlu khawatir komunitas akan berubah, karena komunitas tersebut masih akan dipimpin oleh [USER = 46] @Ikerot [/ USER] dan saya sendiri [USER = 3] @Andrew [/ USER] dengan wajah yang Anda kenal di sini.

Kami tahu Anda mungkin khawatir khawatir tentang perubahan alat dan harga juga, tetapi seperti yang dinyatakan dalam FAQ kami di atas:

Akankah harga TubeBuddy saya berubah?
Tidak, semua lisensi Anda akan tetap dengan harga yang sama.

Apakah fitur TubeBuddy akan dihapus?
Tidak, semua alat hebat yang Anda andalkan saat ini akan tetap ada untuk masa depan.

Saya telah bekerja untuk TubeBuddy selama lima tahun terakhir, dan itu adalah Pekerjaan favorit saya yang pernah saya miliki. Kami selalu berusaha membuat alat terbaik untuk membantu Anda dalam perjalanan Anda menuju YouTube Sukses! Dengan BEN, kami sekarang memiliki lebih banyak alat untuk melakukannya.

Terima kasih banyak,

Andrew, Ike & Tim TubeBuddy
[QUOTE = "Andrew, pos: 106449, anggota: 3"]
Halo Komunitas TubeBuddy!

Beberapa perubahan besar yang MENARIK sedang terjadi. TubeBuddy telah diakuisisi oleh BEN:


Anda dapat membaca artikel itu untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut! Saya ingin fokus pada poin-poin penting penting!

KAMI TAHU Anda akan memiliki pertanyaan, jadi kami akan menautkan ke artikel bantuan kami: https://tubebuddy.com/ben

"Kesepakatan tersebut melengkapi fokus BEN dalam membawa merek ke dunia pemasaran influencer dengan mengidentifikasi, memeriksa, dan memfasilitasi kemitraan konten otentik. Dengan akuisisi TubeBuddy, BEN sekarang akan memperluas sumber dayanya langsung ke komunitas kreator, membantu mereka untuk tumbuh dan menghasilkan uang inisiatif konten mereka, juga. Akuisisi ini akan memungkinkan BEN untuk menghadirkan AI miliknya dan jaringan saraf pembelajaran yang mendalam kepada pembuat konten di platform TubeBuddy, yang selanjutnya memperluas gudang alat analitik prediktif yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pembuat. Di masa depan, BEN berharap untuk membuat platform tempat pembuat konten dapat mengakses rangkaian lengkap alat otomatis yang disesuaikan untuk mengembangkan bisnis mereka. "

Ini akan membantu kami membuat alat yang lebih baik, memiliki lebih banyak jangkauan, dan melakukan lebih banyak hal dengan TubeBuddy. Saya SANGAT bersemangat untuk semua kemungkinan alat baru, dan saya tahu bahwa kami akan tetap fokus untuk menciptakan alat terbaik di luar sana.

"Staf TubeBuddy akan diintegrasikan sebagai bagian dari tim BEN yang lebih luas dan pendirinya akan terus menjadi penasihat strategis untuk perusahaan gabungan tersebut. Merek dan platform TubeBuddy akan tetap utuh juga."

Anda tidak perlu khawatir komunitas akan berubah, karena komunitas tersebut masih akan dipimpin oleh [USER = 46] @Ikerot [/ USER] dan saya sendiri [USER = 3] @Andrew [/ USER] dengan wajah yang Anda kenal di sini .

Kami tahu Anda mungkin khawatir tentang perubahan alat dan harga juga, tetapi seperti yang dinyatakan dalam FAQ kami di atas:

Akankah harga langganan TubeBuddy saya berubah?
Tidak, semua lisensi Anda akan tetap dengan harga yang sama.

Apakah fitur TubeBuddy akan dihapus?
Tidak, semua alat hebat yang Anda andalkan saat ini akan tetap ada untuk masa depan.

Saya telah bekerja untuk TubeBuddy selama lima tahun terakhir, dan itu adalah Pekerjaan favorit saya yang pernah saya miliki. Kami selalu berusaha untuk membuat alat terbaik untuk membantu Anda dalam perjalanan Anda menuju Sukses YouTube! Dengan BEN, kami sekarang memiliki lebih banyak alat untuk melakukannya.

Terima kasih banyak,

Andrew, Ike & Tim TubeBuddy

hei pak sepertinya sesuatu yang menarik dan harus menunggu dan mencoba


Very Well-Known Member
TubeBuddy Star
Subscriber Goal
Hello TubeBuddy Community!

Some EXCITING big changes are happening. TubeBuddy has been acquired by BEN:


You can read that article to learn more! I want to focus on the important key takeaways!

WE KNOW you will have questions so we will link to our help article: https://tubebuddy.com/ben

"The deal complements BENΓÇÖs focus on bringing brands into the world of influencer marketing by identifying, vetting, and facilitating authentic content partnerships. With its acquisition of TubeBuddy, BEN will now extend its resources directly to the creator community, helping them to grow and monetize their content initiatives, as well. The acquisition will enable BEN to bring its proprietary AI and deep learning neural networks to content creators on the TubeBuddy platform, further expanding upon the arsenal of predictive analytic tools that creators can leverage. In the future, BEN hopes to create a platform in which creators can access a full suite of customized, automated tools for expanding their businesses. "

This will help us build better tools, have more reach, and do more with TubeBuddy. I am SO Excited for all the possibilities of new tools, and I know that we will keep our focus on creating the best tools out there.

" The TubeBuddy staff will be integrated as part of the broader BEN team and its founders will continue as strategic advisors to the combined company. The TubeBuddy brand and platform will remain intact as well. "

You don't have to worry about the community changing, because it's still going to be lead by @Ikerot and myself @Andrew with the faces you know here.

We know you might be worried about tools changing and prices too, but as stated in our FAQ above:

Will the price of my TubeBuddy subscription change?
No, all of your licenses will remain at the same price.

Will any TubeBuddy features get removed?
No, all of the great tools you rely on today will remain for the future.

I have worked for TubeBuddy for the last five years, and it is my favorite Job I have ever had. We always strive to make the best tools to help you on YOUR journey for YouTube Success! With BEN we now have more tools to do so.

Thank you so much,

Andrew, Ike & The TubeBuddy Team

Great news for you guys. Congrats on the acquisition and i hope this gives improvement to new tools.


Known Member
TubeBuddy User
Subscriber Goal
At First I thought of BEN as Ben10... Haha...

I researched a bit on the internet, it's actually AI, Artificial Intelligence. That's really great to hear that TubeBuddy features will have some AI thing in it. This really is an awesome move of TubeBuddy to integrate some AI.

So excited to know more about it and get its feature integrated into TubeBuddy.
Yeah be cool to see what AI they can harness into a tool for us creators. With all the crew Andrew, Nick, Daniel Etc I'm sure it will be super Awesome!
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New Member
TubeBuddy User
Subscriber Goal
Hello TubeBuddy Community!

Some EXCITING big changes are happening. TubeBuddy has been acquired by BEN:


You can read that article to learn more! I want to focus on the important key takeaways!

WE KNOW you will have questions so we will link to our help article: https://tubebuddy.com/ben

"The deal complements BENΓÇÖs focus on bringing brands into the world of influencer marketing by identifying, vetting, and facilitating authentic content partnerships. With its acquisition of TubeBuddy, BEN will now extend its resources directly to the creator community, helping them to grow and monetize their content initiatives, as well. The acquisition will enable BEN to bring its proprietary AI and deep learning neural networks to content creators on the TubeBuddy platform, further expanding upon the arsenal of predictive analytic tools that creators can leverage. In the future, BEN hopes to create a platform in which creators can access a full suite of customized, automated tools for expanding their businesses. "

This will help us build better tools, have more reach, and do more with TubeBuddy. I am SO Excited for all the possibilities of new tools, and I know that we will keep our focus on creating the best tools out there.

" The TubeBuddy staff will be integrated as part of the broader BEN team and its founders will continue as strategic advisors to the combined company. The TubeBuddy brand and platform will remain intact as well. "

You don't have to worry about the community changing, because it's still going to be lead by @Ikerot and myself @Andrew with the faces you know here.

We know you might be worried about tools changing and prices too, but as stated in our FAQ above:

Will the price of my TubeBuddy subscription change?
No, all of your licenses will remain at the same price.

Will any TubeBuddy features get removed?
No, all of the great tools you rely on today will remain for the future.

I have worked for TubeBuddy for the last five years, and it is my favorite Job I have ever had. We always strive to make the best tools to help you on YOUR journey for YouTube Success! With BEN we now have more tools to do so.

Thank you so much,

Andrew, Ike & The TubeBuddy Team
That a great news
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Ajay Solanki

New Member
TubeBuddy User
Hello TubeBuddy Community!

Some EXCITING big changes are happening. TubeBuddy has been acquired by BEN:


You can read that article to learn more! I want to focus on the important key takeaways!

WE KNOW you will have questions so we will link to our help article: https://tubebuddy.com/ben

"The deal complements BENΓÇÖs focus on bringing brands into the world of influencer marketing by identifying, vetting, and facilitating authentic content partnerships. With its acquisition of TubeBuddy, BEN will now extend its resources directly to the creator community, helping them to grow and monetize their content initiatives, as well. The acquisition will enable BEN to bring its proprietary AI and deep learning neural networks to content creators on the TubeBuddy platform, further expanding upon the arsenal of predictive analytic tools that creators can leverage. In the future, BEN hopes to create a platform in which creators can access a full suite of customized, automated tools for expanding their businesses. "

This will help us build better tools, have more reach, and do more with TubeBuddy. I am SO Excited for all the possibilities of new tools, and I know that we will keep our focus on creating the best tools out there.

" The TubeBuddy staff will be integrated as part of the broader BEN team and its founders will continue as strategic advisors to the combined company. The TubeBuddy brand and platform will remain intact as well. "

You don't have to worry about the community changing, because it's still going to be lead by @Ikerot and myself @Andrew with the faces you know here.

We know you might be worried about tools changing and prices too, but as stated in our FAQ above:

Will the price of my TubeBuddy subscription change?
No, all of your licenses will remain at the same price.

Will any TubeBuddy features get removed?
No, all of the great tools you rely on today will remain for the future.

I have worked for TubeBuddy for the last five years, and it is my favorite Job I have ever had. We always strive to make the best tools to help you on YOUR journey for YouTube Success! With BEN we now have more tools to do so.

Thank you so much,

Andrew, Ike & The TubeBuddy Team
Really great news. However, I am more excited to see some new tools which can help me grow even more on YouTube.
  • Wow
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