so took the first proper look at my analytics today and it makes for very depressing reading.
my watch times tank pretty much immediately, so its either my voice and/or personality that turns people off instantly. Those are 2 things I can't exactly change that much.
Might try uploading some videos without any voiceover to see how they compare, or will just throw in the towel on this whole thing.
sorry just needed to vent somewhere
I understand those feelings, I've been there and felt those frustrations so the depression is normal. The best thing to do isn't to give up, but take stock, have a rest, and come back into it with a clear mind. How many subs do you have? I have 28k subs and I still go through that struggle. My watch time averages between 8%-15% for my tutorials, and 20%-30% for my speed drawings which is disheartening.
Sometimes it might not be your voice or personality necessarily, but it could be your editing, lighting (low quality lighting, low quality sound will often turn people off right away) and if it IS to do with your voice, you CAN learn to adapt it. How else do you think actors act?
Also, watch a livestream of your favorite big youtuber, they're generally always more low key than their on camera persona. You CAN craft a personality, you CAN learn how to deliver a speech, I personally listen back to what I've recorded if it's talking head, and if it's boring to me, I try to re-record with more dynamic energy, more emphasis, and learning to not use the same, cadence?
The voice is an instrument, and singers are always learning to change and adapt their voices to different styles. Actors always learn to change the tone of their voice. It's all about time.
I've been doing this for 5 years and I get burned out from time to time. You might "throw in the towel" but if you love what you do, and you want to do it for MORE than JUST views, you will be back. So just take time, practice because we're all trying to get better with each video and sometimes the results aren't what we hoped for and it gets depressing, but you pull your socks up and you soldier on