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Need Advice Subscribers and views


Active Member
TubeBuddy Pro
I have over 80 videos on my channel but my subscriber and views have been stagnant for a long time now.
How can I improve this please? I have used all the TubeBuddy suggestions but no improvement.

Kari B

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Have you used the keyword explorer and SEO tool? It might be that you have titles and tags for topics that aren't being searched for. Have a look at your analytics and see which of your videos gets the highest views and highest subscriber gains and then make more videos like that. You could also try changing the thumbnails if your CTR is low.
I've found that views and sub gains have been lower in September and October than in July and August - so it may not be you, it might just be a poor time of year for your niche.


Active Member
TubeBuddy Pro
Yes, I used the keyword explorer and SEO tools on my videos but no progress. I’ll go through my analytics as suggested because other YouTubers in my niche are getting views. Really not sure why mine isn’t☹️
Thanks for your response all the same
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Kari B

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You're welcome. I know how frustrating it can be. One of the great things about this forum is knowing that you are not alone, I've learnt a lot from reading other people's tips and ideas so don't give up, just keep swimming, just keep swimming :blush:

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
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Plateau's happen, you need to be prepared for that. Seasonality, trending topics etc all come in to play for the waves of traffic that come through.

That having been said if you have been stagnant for an extended amount of time it may be time to freshen up your content. Take a new approach to your style, maybe try a new approach with thumbnails or expand the breadth of your niche. If what you are doing isn't working then you need to find a way to pivot into a more successful role.
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Yeah, 80 videos is plenty of data to start giving you some idea of where you need to pivot for that next level of growth. It is frustrating when you see other's videos performing well, and yours seem stuck in oblivion.

I would look over the videos that are performing best for you. Concentrate on those kinds of videos. Also ask your audience what they want to see. Make more of those videos especially if it corroborates the data.

Spice up thumbnails. Read a book or two on video production. If your niche is too small, you may have to pivot to a slightly larger niche. If it's too wide, you'll have to pivot down a bit.

Don't give up on SEO. It takes a good two years of digging and scrapping for SEO to find those true gold veins. Even then it could take a year of solid two or three videos per week for those to start producing lots of views and subs.
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Active Member
TubeBuddy Pro
I appreciate your advice and will take them on board.
Thank you

You're welcome. I know how frustrating it can be. One of the great things about this forum is knowing that you are not alone, I've learnt a lot from reading other people's tips and ideas so don't give up, just keep swimming, just keep swimming :blush:

Plateau's happen, you need to be prepared for that. Seasonality, trending topics etc all come in to play for the waves of traffic that come through.

That having been said if you have been stagnant for an extended amount of time it may be time to freshen up your content. Take a new approach to your style, maybe try a new approach with thumbnails or expand the breadth of your niche. If what you are doing isn't working then you need to find a way to pivot into a more successful role.
Yeah probably need to change my method of delivery. Thanks for your response.

Yeah, 80 videos is plenty of data to start giving you some idea of where you need to pivot for that next level of growth. It is frustrating when you see other's videos performing well, and yours seem stuck in oblivion.

I would look over the videos that are performing best for you. Concentrate on those kinds of videos. Also ask you audience what they want to see. Make more of those videos especially if it corroborates the data.

Spice up thumbnails. Read a book or two on video production. If your niche is too small, you may have to pivot to a slightly larger niche. If it's too wide, you'll have to pivot down a bit.

Don't give up on SEO. It takes a good two years of digging and scrapping for SEO to find those true gold veins. Even then it could take a year of solid two or three videos per week for those to start producing lots of views and subs.

I appreciate your advice and will take them on board.
Thank you

Yeah, 80 videos is plenty of data to start giving you some idea of where you need to pivot for that next level of growth. It is frustrating when you see other's videos performing well, and yours seem stuck in oblivion.

I would look over the videos that are performing best for you. Concentrate on those kinds of videos. Also ask you audience what they want to see. Make more of those videos especially if it corroborates the data.

Spice up thumbnails. Read a book or two on video production. If your niche is too small, you may have to pivot to a slightly larger niche. If it's too wide, you'll have to pivot down a bit.

Don't give up on SEO. It takes a good two years of digging and scrapping for SEO to find those true gold veins. Even then it could take a year of solid two or three videos per week for those to start producing lots of views and subs.

I upload videos once a week at the moment; IΓÇÖll try uploading more to see if it make any difference. Thanks again


Recognized Member
Have you used the keyword explorer and SEO tool? It might be that you have titles and tags for topics that aren't being searched for. Have a look at your analytics and see which of your videos gets the highest views and highest subscriber gains and then make more videos like that. You could also try changing the thumbnails if your CTR is low.
I've found that views and sub gains have been lower in September and October than in July and August - so it may not be you, it might just be a poor time of year for your niche.
I agree with this suggestion of making more videos like the ones that perform well. On my channel, I recently made a last minute predictions video about the upcoming Europa Pro bodybuilding championships. It did almost 3 times as many views as even a prediction video I made for the same event some days earlier. I have since studied the YouTube analytics to see what keyword people searched the most to find that video so I can try to cater to similar keywords on the next prediction video I do for the Chicago Pro coming up this weekend. If you want to see great explanations of how to read the analytics to get these insights, I follow Cathrin Manning on YouTube and she does monthly videos explaining her analytics in an easy to understand way.


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I would make more videos related to the videos that have done the best on your channel, like others have suggested. You could also consider trying to make a sequel to your most viewed videos (if you could figure out how to work that out), because that could drive people to watch the first video of the sequel, and then watch the next video. Also, if they were to click on the newer video of the sequel, it could lead them to have to watch the first video in order to understand the second. This could draw more viewers to the channel, which could eventually turn into subscribers if they stay interested in your content.

Something I have started doing is in the comment section of every video, is I would make a pinned comment asking for video ideas and/or requests that have to do with the niche that I have been making videos to lately. I have also said that if I used the idea or decided to actually fulfill the request, that I would give them credit/ give them a shoutout by putting their comment at the beginning of the video when I make it. It has helped to show that I actually care about my viewers and subscribers, and that I am not just uploading for me and the sake of my channel.

I have also been replying to comments in my comment section to show my viewers I actually take time to read their comments. What I am saying is engage with your audience, and if they see you are taking time to see what they have had to say about your video in comments and taking time to see what they want it could lead them to subscribe to you just for you doing that.

One of my main reasons I subscribe to a channel is because of the personality behind the channel creator, so another tip I have is to show personality. This could lead viewers to come back to your channel just because they enjoy your personality, which could lead them to subscribe for that reason too.

I hope these tips help! Good luck!


Active Member
TubeBuddy Pro
I want to see your channel, please set your subscriber button or else promote any of your content in the promotional area. Just wanna take a look at your channel.

here's the link to set your subscriber button.


Thanks for wanting to look at my channel, I just shared a video in the promotion area.

Thanks again

Beanie Draws

Mythical Poster
Subscriber Goal
if youΓÇÖre not getting many views, take a look at your video keyword rankings, and then in your analytics, take a look at your average view duration, if the percentage is low, thatΓÇÖs one of the reasons why. Then take a look at your impressions And ctr, thereΓÇÖs a strong chance your thumbnails arenΓÇÖt performing for you, or perhaps your titles are simply ΓÇ£boringΓÇ¥ to put it harshly, but I just said it that way to grab your attention, saying your titles might not be as appealing, isnΓÇÖt as impactful. You want a good mix of enticing impact, but searchability in your titles, something I too struggle with. Titles crafting is an art in itΓÇÖs own. You kinda need to think like a newspaper, what grabs your attention when you;re reading the news, what headings grab your attention. Implement some of those techniques into your title crafting. And of course, you want an appealing clean and attention grabbing thumbnails that will grab the eye without being too messy.

All these things take time. 80 videos in tells me itΓÇÖs time to start analysing your old videos, see what has the most views, what their themes and titles and thumbnails were, and go down that route,


Active Member
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What i did to complete my 1000 subs and 4000 wh is i joined youtube groups on facebook, and i joined there group chats then when you did yhis you will learned how to worked on getting subs and wh by your own hardwork.


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I having some of the same problems Gloria...hope you find answers that will help. IΓÇÖve been using TubeBuddy since day one but canΓÇÖt see to find some good traction yet. Best of luck.

Beanie Draws

Mythical Poster
Subscriber Goal
We need to get people attention and we need to so is making a good thumbnail who influence them to click.
People aren't going to click on a fantastic thumbnail if the topic isn't interesting to them. The best thumbnail in the world can't save a boring repetitive topic that doesn't interest the viewer. That said, a messy unprofessional thumb definitely is a bit reason for not getting any clicks. But I've had some "amazing" (in my own opinion which sometimes doesn't count because data doesn't care about feelings) thumbnails and the video still performed poorly simply because the topic wasn't interesting enough for people to click.