Technology Channel Explore the world of Cyber Security, Share knowledge on Tech Stuffs & help juniors to build career in Cyber Security


New Member
User name: BlackPerl
Title: Explore the world of Cyber Security, Share knowledge on Tech Stuffs & help juniors to build career in Cyber Security
Age: 27
Type of collaboration: I am open to join hands to share knowledge for all areas of Cyber Security. If you are someone who wants to explore new open source tools, share your ideas and help others to crack and sustain in this crazy world of cyber criminals with a cup of hot coffee, join hands with me!!
Amount of Subscribers: 700 & Counting
Ways to contact you: I am open for suggestion by any of the below means-
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Thread Reply, Forum Conversation
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1. Twitter- @blackperl_dfir
2. Insta- blackperl_dfir
Why should they collaborate with you: 1. Reach out to border audience with common goal.
2. If you are passionate about Cyber Security, you would definitely love to share your knowledge to the world. And alone journey is difficult always.
3. Work with best approach, awesome content and standard quality of videos.
4. You would find very less creator who can work with so much dedication from the gate go to build the strong base, which will be a win-win case for all of us if you join hands!
5. I am truly passionate about the content what I make and want to crack this journey with true effort with no shortcut.. If you are in the same alley, come and join me!!
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