On a lot of these I am going to be repeating past help, so I am sorry in advanced.
First the pros, you are good, talking, information, the bloopers are great, people will love that, makes you more authentic as well as entertaining, so keep that up!!!!, you will make people laugh while giving them good information. and you are good at these videos already a lot of potential.
Down to Cons ordered by priority to work on.
Free quality Improves is in your video editing:
Your intro is 8 seconds long. get it down to 4 seconds, there is free websites that have templates you can use totally for free as well if you are having issues with that. you just don't want a long intro. 4 seconds is good for a introduction in my opinion. there is a thread that debates about retention of viewers with introductions. some say dont do intros some say intros dont effect over all view time some say its fine and great to have a intro but keep it short. my personal opinion have a intro but keep it short. and find a free one that you like or edit or current one down 4 seconds.
Secondly your transitions, where you say part 2 and 3, and etc..... they are GREAT to have and its great you have them but the transition back to you, I would make it smoother - add a natural fade or something to make flow nicer instead of BANG BACK, take one extra second to fade it back to you.
GEAR that will cost money quality improvements:
Lighting, again I don't know what your budget is. But just for starting out and lets just say budget is tight. your just starting anyways why spend a lot of money? BUT can I name drop websites that sell gear? I dont want to get in trouble. This is only an example I just went to amazon.com and searched lighting kits for streaming. there is literally an entire lighting kit for 50 bucks. I am not saying it is the best but its better than nothing. I am not saying to shop at amazon either I would check any other retail stores or ecommerce that have lighting kits for filming. prices range 50-500 so. I would personally just got the 50. - I prioritize this as number one because of the type of videos you are making make up. so lighting is key for these videos.
I am going to rank number 2 a green screen because it is the cheapest. you can buy a green sheet for 10 bucks and change your entire video visualization to something more pleasing and attractive to the audience. instead of a wall or a door not that there is nothing wrong with that background but you can make it anything. there is websites out there that has millions of free stock photos for free commercial use to pick from.
Thirdly, is audio. gonna name drop budget wise a good mic is blue yeti 99 bucks its not the best but it is good for budget its price vs. performance is really good however, i just searched again for kits for audio right now i found a entire kit. with a pop filter, an arm stand that u can move around usb cord for power and a entire bag, plus a mic lets see the specs
Professional 192KHz/24Bit Condenser Recording Mic Kit for Podcast, it is not the best but it will still up the quality of your sound a lot.
all three gear improvements your talking 110 to 160 bucks. to me that is not bad at all. again you don't want to invest ALOT at the beginning but just enough that you have good quality videos.
all that being said your video was very good, you obviously good at this, your informational and funny. first thing i would do is take care of the editing issues, then get a good light no matter what route you go just don't overspend there is no need to.
if you cant spend much money, i still suggest a green sheet for visual effects behind you like a tropical beach lol. and as far as lighting just get a few lamps and point them at you. if you cannot invest.