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Life Sharing ghost story

DamoΓÇÖs Paintings

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This will probably get moved to the ΓÇ£off-topicΓÇ¥ section, which is where it should be, but anyways IΓÇÖve never experienced such a thing myself.
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Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
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Welcome to the forums ma'am! I'm not big on ghost stories, I feel like it diminishes your credibility lol. That having been said I have experienced ghosts and I have zero explanation for it!


Life ain't no Nintendo Game
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I have a ghost story. Kinda. Actually two. When I was a child, about 10 years old I remember playing hide and go seek with my friends. It was late at night on a weekend and I was hiding behind a house near a main road not far from the pole where the other kid was counting. Another kid was hiding with me. Our community was about half a block away from the city cemetery. Literally right behind me. I was terrified of cemeteries as a child. They still bug me today. Anyways, as the kid counted something told me to look behind me, towards the cemetery. I saw what looked like a red shadow, like an actual shadow but red instead of black, at the entrance to the cemetery. It suddenly ran across the street about 4 houses down from us hiding behind a bench on the sidewalk. The terror in me was so great that I screamed at the top of my lungs scaring the hell out of the kid hiding with me. The kid counting had just finished counting and took a few steps away from the pole when I started running while screaming. As far as I was from the pole compared to him I beat him to the pole almost smashing into it and the fence behind it. After that, we all ran home. I don't know what I saw but it was definitely not natural.

My second story happened at the same cemetery. My mom and her brother went to the cemetery to clean the tomb of my grandparents. If you've even been to a Latino cemetery you'll know we don't just put a small plaque on the ground, some flowers, and let the grass grow around it. Nope, we go all out building a literal mini house or concrete/marble box over the tomb. On that day my mom asked me to turn on the water so she could hose down the tomb. The damn faucet was about 100 feet away from the tomb. I had to walk past multiple tombs to get to it. Like I said, I was terrified of cemeteries as a child. I don't know why. I managed to make it to the faucet, turn on the water, and go back. Then she asked me to turn the water off and that's when I lost it. I had walked passed a giant tomb that looked like a small house over the tomb and the wall inside had a giant mural of Jesus surrounded by angels. I had walked passed it the first time, stared, and kept going. But this second time I was compelled to stop and stare and I saw the image moving. I freaked out so much I ran out of the cemetery screaming, crossed the main road without looking, and ran all the way home. My mom got home to find me hiding under my bed terrified.

After that, I avoided the cemetery till I was in my teens. Ironically enough I ended up getting a summer school job there cleaning out the dry brush and plants. I wasn't alone, there were several of us. At one point there was a funeral on its way and the cemetery workers needed to clean out the tomb for the body coming. They asked us to do it. No one wanted to jump into the hole that already had a body in it buried under concrete. The smallest, most scared kid got bullied into the whole. I felt bad for him and joined him and helped him out even though I was terrified. And when they wouldn't help us out I threatened to beat them with the shovel when I did get out.

So yea, I'm not a fan of cemeteries, spirits, or anything related to that in real life. Movies, I don't mind.

Beanie Draws

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This will probably get moved to the ΓÇ£off-topicΓÇ¥ section, which is where it should be, but anyways IΓÇÖve never experienced such a thing myself.
Heheh correct!
I have no ghosts stories personally, but my Grandmother has shared a story of how she saw a ghost of her husband/my grandfather not long before he passed away I think. She says she saw him sitting at the foot of her bed and asked him why he as sitting at the bed and should come back to bed, only for him to say next to her "but I'm already in bed?"

granted, that could have just been a lucid dream on her part.

DamoΓÇÖs Paintings

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Heheh correct!
I have no ghosts stories personally, but my Grandmother has shared a story of how she saw a ghost of her husband/my grandfather not long before he passed away I think. She says she saw him sitting at the foot of her bed and asked him why he as sitting at the bed and should come back to bed, only for him to say next to her "but I'm already in bed?"

granted, that could have just been a lucid dream on her part.
CouldΓÇÖve been, IΓÇÖve heard similar stories relating to passing loved ones stopping by for a final visit.

ThereΓÇÖs a hotel in Waitomo by the glow worm caves, famous for having a nice variety of paranormal activity, but I remember going their to work on their fire safety systems (years ago), saw nothing, and I even went down a small hallway that no staff wanted to ever go into, and entered a room that was considered too risky for anyone, but went in and did my work and came out, nothing unusual went on, entered the main kitchen, where the ghost of a boy is said to be, saw nothing, heard nothing despite being told that something would definitely shift around in there, but not while I was there, maybe the ghosts were having smoko or something :confused:
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Lots of stories. ( My channels a paranormal one) But lots of personal stories from when I was younger.
I think the most vivid experience for me is the little girl I saw.
Try and make this as short as possible,
my nan was in hospital very ill. I woke up, and there was a small girl stood at the end of my bed. I didn't have any children but I remember her vividly. She was about 6, blonde hair in pigtails she was wearing a pinafore and just stood looking at me. I turned to wake my partner and when I looked back she was gone.
My nan died that night.
What makes this story stranger is about 9 months later I was staying with my parents after the break down of a relationship and myself and my mum were chatting one night and I told her I had seen a ghost, she laughed and I said I did! So I started to tell her the story of the little girl and she stopped me, and SHE described the same girl, stood at the bottom of her bed and the very same night my nan ( her mother in law_) died. Exactly the same as I had seen.
Please note my mum does not believe at all.
Lots more stuff has happened since then!!
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I saw many ghost when I was growing up in Brazil. I married an American and moved to Jamaica and later to USA. When I moved to New Jersey I started hearing ghost, They would turned off the tv and so on. I started to be afraid every night that my husband was not home. I went to a therapist and she help me a lot. Today I'm not afraid anymore.
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I do firmly believe in ghosts, spirits and energy.
Not too long ago, I had a friend/colleague who past away from borrelia Lyme disease due to miss treatment from the doctors, and this did get to me very hard.
But a few days after her funeral I heard a giggle in my room and I was lying in bed with my back against the door at that time, (which I usually never do intentionally) and just a few second after I feel someone "pushing" me on my left shoulder, just like she used to do, and it's was hard enough to make hard me roll over and faceplant my pillow, hehe.
I sit up in bed and look around and for a few moments I see her silhouette and she smiles at me and I can see here expression telling me that she's alright now and that I shouldn't be sad.
I started bawling my eyes out, but I was relieved as well because now I know for sure that she's no longer in pain and she is free now <3

I miss her greatly but I know I will meet her again someday <3


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When I was younger, say 11 years old and younger my friends and I would play a ghost game every time we had a sleepover to where there was this ghost we called Sarah and we made up different spells called Sarah spells. Also, at 10:55 pm we made up that one of us would turn into this ghost named Sarah. Not exactly a ghost story but just a fun little ghost game we would play at sleepovers.

Now an actual ghost story, this happened maybe 3 years ago. I went down the stairs at midnight to get a drink because I was really thirsty. When I got ready to open the fridge I saw this shadow that looked a bit like me but much taller. The shadow moved around but I was standing perfectly still. I have more stories to share but I don't want to make my post that long.
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