Beauty Channel IΓÇÖd like to collaborate with a beauty and lifestyle content creator that has at least 2k reach of subscribers


New Member
Subscriber Goal
User name: Yvonneokeke
Title: IΓÇÖd like to collaborate with a beauty and lifestyle content creator that has at least 2k reach of subscribers
Age: 22
Type of collaboration: Beauty & skincare
Amount of Subscribers: 517
Ways to contact you: Instagram @yvonneokeke_
Why should they collaborate with you: I have a fast growing YouTube platform and I upload twice in a week about skincare and beauty
Link to Channel:

Adey Attiko

New Member
Hi Yvonne, i'm a new youtuber who is interested in a collaboration, i'm in Lagos Nigeria. I think we can grow together. If you are interested please let me know or if otherwise also let me know. Thank you