YouTube Question What do people think to reposting segments of videos as individual (new) vids?

Immortal Explorer

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So my channel is a South America backpacking one.

A while ago I combined three videos to form one larger one, comprising of a boat ride out of the rainforest and finishing off with a mototaxi ride through the local town.

After looking at the analytics, most people drop off long before they get to the taxi part, which in my opinion is really good footage.

My question is this, do you think it's out of order if I re-upload the taxi footage as a video in its own right? I do not want to remove the original video.

Not sure if this is allowed but here is the link to the original if anyone's interested

Many thanks



Well-Known Member
TubeBuddy Star
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Franly speaking if I an your sub and I see a video that I have watched now being reposted with others I have watched I will feel cheated and waste of time. People demand trust from us. If our tittle tell them is a mew video or chnages then they expect a new video. Unless in yout tittle and description this was mentioned and the old videos taken off too then It might be ok. I dont know but this is my opinion about it.

Tito Tim

TubeBuddy Star
There is one channel I follow that regularly does that. They have a 30 minute vid with 3 segments. Then, later all 3 get posted individually. I would probably not do it on every video, but it works for them. But they title them so you know.

Maybe title it in a way to let them know it is not quite new. Maybe post it as an 'Iquitos excerpt'. Many channels experiment a lot before they find what works for them.

Beanie Draws

Mythical Poster
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Franly speaking if I an your sub and I see a video that I have watched now being reposted with others I have watched I will feel cheated and waste of time. People demand trust from us. If our tittle tell them is a mew video or chnages then they expect a new video. Unless in yout tittle and description this was mentioned and the old videos taken off too then It might be ok. I dont know but this is my opinion about it.
That would depend on what percentage of views came from a subscribers. Sometimes more views come from non subscribers. But I do agree with this to an extent.
Immortal Explorer

Immortal Explorer

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Thanks for the responses.

Basically, analytics show that most people don't watch the original for long enough to even see the last part, which is the taxi ride.

This is what made me want to repost that part as a stand alone video, but without removing the original longer vid.

Does that make sense?

