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Twitter I've Met Some Hardcore Twitter Users In Political Content Side Of Twitter


Life ain't no Nintendo Game
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This may shock you, but I was an avid Google+ user till the day it was shutdown. I was a pioneer, one of the first on the platform, and I loved it. But once it was gone, my options for a replacement were limited since I had already deleted my Facebook account only a few months before. Facebook just didn't give me the entertainment I found on Google+. It's not the same having debates and expressing your opinions when most of the people reading are family members and friends. It's the equivalent of talking politics at work, a no-no in most workplaces. So, I was stuck with Twitter, a social media site I had never been able to master.

After more than a year learning the ropes, I have finally made a home on Twitter. I still have a lot to learn on how to use my Twitter account to grow my YT channel and interact with future potential viewers but I'm working hard. One thing I chose to do was separate my political opinions as much as I can from my brand account, which is my current main account because I really don't want to deal with the clutter of political discussion and arguments and my brand all in one account. So I created a second, well, technically third account specifically to dive into political topics because I have an interest in politics as well. Amazingly enough, it was through this account that I met some hardcore Twitter users who treat their accounts like sacred ground and are extremely careful who they follow and who follows them.

One user, in particular, is probably the most hardcore user I have ever seen. He was dedicated at his job of reviewing every single person who followed him and every person he was interested in following. I mean, we're talking about him not only checking a person's account to see what they tweeted and retweeted but also checking who this person followed and who followed this person. As he went along reviewing all these accounts he would build a list of what he believed were bots, accounts specifically designed to troll accounts of opposing political views while pretending to be of the same views, or accounts that were controlled by software designed to collect information for political purposes or extreme trolling and more. And he would share these lists so others knew who to avoid. He had strict rules about being followed and following and he had no problem blocking anyone he felt was not up to his standards of being part of his political views. While he would often block people just for having bots following them he would often warn them to give them a chance, likely because he liked what they tweeted and retweeted. And he was just one of many who used similar tactics to ensure they avoided bots and trolls.

I had never considered being this dedicated to avoiding followers but being accounts that thrive on political discussions I can see why they were this adamant about who follows them and who they follow. After all, as interesting as politics can be to some it can easily become a cesspool of garbage talk, insults and sometimes even threats.

So yea, to some, Twitter is more than a social media site. It's a way of life.

Beanie Draws

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Oh boy.... yeah, I've seen that which is why I'm starting to avoid Twitter like I have with Facebook. It's becoming a dumpster fire of politics. I've considered making a dummy account just so I can share my views and debate, without delving my dinosaur drawings into a pit of political carnage.

But then I re-think it, that's what I used to do 10 years ago on Facebook. I haven't been active on Facebook for about 4-5 years and in that time I've been a lot happier, and a lot more productive creatively.

I realised it's because how much time I'd spend (waste) on political arguments on Facebook, and I've noticed this shift happening on Twitter eversince the later end of the Covid shutdowns. Especially the "covidot" trend.

Like... I'd LOVE to get in there and give some of these people a peice of my mind... but at the end of the day, I could easily spend an hour or two debating with someone about how they should be more open minded, when I could spend that time editing a video, responding to comments on my videos etc.

People like you've described, I'm seeing more and more of, they'll trole through your history to ensure you're squeky clean, but worst is now... if you want to presence on Twitter to the likes of Nick Nimmin and Roberto Blake, who have THOUSANDS of followers... you get attacked on Twitter if you DON'T say anything political. You get called out for having views, you called out for being "silent" this is why I'm starting to loath social media culture now. Twitter is slowly becoming the new Facebook. You can never do the right thing, and people are just hungry to find one fault, and "cancel" you over the smallest mistake now, and it's those people you've described, making spreadsheets of "facts" that are the culprits of it.

Just another trend in social media we simply must adapt to if we want a "succesful" brand on social media. Mr Beast recently was tested in this department on his own accounts, despite how much he has given to charity.


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I have to be so careful on social media to try and stay neutral for politics. Running a business I really cant show my thoughts... I get pretty open on twitter but other platforms I say nothing at all.

Beanie Draws

Mythical Poster
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I have to be so careful on social media to try and stay neutral for politics. Running a business I really cant show my thoughts... I get pretty open on twitter but other platforms I say nothing at all.
Twitter is becoming the platform where you need to become MOST careful I find. Cancel culture has gone from cancelling people who have been genuinely exploitive, to now cancelling people who say NOTHING, a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't and either was you offend someone on there.


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Twitter is becoming the platform where you need to become MOST careful I find. Cancel culture has gone from cancelling people who have been genuinely exploitive, to now cancelling people who say NOTHING, a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't and either was you offend someone on there.

This is because a lot of people on the internet are FAR too sensitive. I'm not too afraid to speak my mind on twitter but definitely on FB/Instagram I keep it clean.

Beanie Draws

Mythical Poster
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This is because a lot of people on the internet are FAR too sensitive. I'm not too afraid to speak my mind on twitter but definitely on FB/Instagram I keep it clean.
This fair. I've actually noticed over the past 12 months a bit of a migration of Facebook mentality transfering over to twitter, but twitter isn't connected to real names, so it's a little "safer" in terms of voicing opinions that other's might hold against you over time. I still find it ironic that we've put so much weight on Facebook. Employment can be gained or lost simply by what you say on Facebook which SHOULD be a private matter... but no, there is no such thing as privacy on the internet.


New Member
There is a lot of toxicaity on Twitter. But I'm not sure about this cancel culture thing, I feel like its an exuse for racists, homophobes and sexiest to say what they like and cry about it when their challenged


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I just post memes and do my best to avoid that. I find what works the best is film gear for me, and not every opinion I have should be shared on social media. People act if you say you like pineapple on pizza, like you killed their loved ones. haha

Stanley | Team TB

Amazingly Decent and Not-At-All Terrible Fishing
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I absolutely avoid anything political. Have met some really awesome and inspiring people on Twitter, and it has been a great means for engaging not only with my audience but with fellow creative types. But you will never hear a political statement from me on there.


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I quit Twitter. For me since I'm black, and Black Warrior Lures has black in the title, I get all the politics no matter what I do. (Black Warrior Lures being named after the Black Warrior River, which is named after Chief Tuscaloosa, which means black warrior.)

I wanted to get on Twitter to talk about fishing, but I rarely see anything fishing related on Twitter. Nothing seems to work for me, so I quit. I'll stick with fishing forums instead. It isn't worth the time nor it is worth aggravating my depression just because of Twitter.

The main problem with Twitter is it is so disorganized. You essentially have no control over what you see. Even when you subscribe to the people in your niche they often retweet political things, or their posts are political in nature, thus you get flooded with political stuff no matter what. It just isn't worth it. So, I quit.


Legendary Poster
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I quit Twitter. For me since I'm black, and Black Warrior Lures has black in the title, I get all the politics no matter what I do. (Black Warrior Lures being named after the Black Warrior River, which is named after Chief Tuscaloosa, which means black warrior.)

I wanted to get on Twitter to talk about fishing, but I rarely see anything fishing related on Twitter. Nothing seems to work for me, so I quit. I'll stick with fishing forums instead. It isn't worth the time nor it is worth aggravating my depression just because of Twitter.

The main problem with Twitter is it is so disorganized. You essentially have no control over what you see. Even when you subscribe to the people in your niche they often retweet political things, or their posts are political in nature, thus you get flooded with political stuff no matter what. It just isn't worth it. So, I quit.

Sorry to hear that :/ I have the opposite experience trying to keep it HIGHLY focused on content, but I know it's a bit chaotic at times.
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Beanie Draws

Mythical Poster
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I quit Twitter. For me since I'm black, and Black Warrior Lures has black in the title, I get all the politics no matter what I do. (Black Warrior Lures being named after the Black Warrior River, which is named after Chief Tuscaloosa, which means black warrior.)

I wanted to get on Twitter to talk about fishing, but I rarely see anything fishing related on Twitter. Nothing seems to work for me, so I quit. I'll stick with fishing forums instead. It isn't worth the time nor it is worth aggravating my depression just because of Twitter.

The main problem with Twitter is it is so disorganized. You essentially have no control over what you see. Even when you subscribe to the people in your niche they often retweet political things, or their posts are political in nature, thus you get flooded with political stuff no matter what. It just isn't worth it. So, I quit.

Yeah, it's pretty crap these days. The trolls have really come out of the woodworks going out intentionally looking to fight people over the smallest things, and black twitter users have had it particularly badly from the trolls now. It's a never ending cycle and that's why I'm not a fan of it anymore. It seems the cesspool of facebook has flooded over into Twitter. It used to be a great place to share passions and interest and to entertain... now it's just a place for trolls to jump on posts and everything turns into a political fight.

I do trust that it will get better eventually (I hope) but I haven't been on there for a month now and I haven't missed it at all. Twitch is a good escape outlet I find.


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I'm not a fan of Twitter, but I've tried stopping and starting a few times. I recently made a comment that an almost cult-like group was extremely offended by, and I won't share the comment with you to spare the drama, but these people went OFF on me. There was one ringleader of the group, which was super creepy, so of course, I reported them all to Twitter, and the main leader was sanctioned. It was crazy, in the matter of a few seconds, an entire group was against me. I deal with this kinda drama at work, I definitely don't need to be schooled by people on Twitter who have no idea what they are talking about. I surrender.

Beanie Draws

Mythical Poster
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I'm not a fan of Twitter, but I've tried stopping and starting a few times. I recently made a comment that an almost cult-like group was extremely offended by, and I won't share the comment with you to spare the drama, but these people went OFF on me. There was one ringleader of the group, which was super creepy, so of course, I reported them all to Twitter, and the main leader was sanctioned. It was crazy, in the matter of a few seconds, an entire group was against me. I deal with this kinda drama at work, I definitely don't need to be schooled by people on Twitter who have no idea what they are talking about. I surrender.
Sorry you had to experience that. I can see that happening on Facebook, but it seems Facebook isn't enough for these types of drama hungry folks. I think it's just kinda part of the game with twitter, but unfortunatly, unlike facebook and youtube that allow you to restrict comments, and can toughen up your privacy, twitter is still pretty open with it's toxicity, and you also can't delete replies to your comments. The inability to delete inappropriate replies is a real problem on Twitter.


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It's cool, I stepped into that situation without really knowing the culture. I went through and blocked everything and everyone on two accounts, reported everything, and I made a strong case. Plus, I only have a handful of followers on twitter, while I have a lot more credibility on FB. I should probably just quit both. First, Tik Tok, next Twitter? ;)


Known Member
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Oh boy.... yeah, I've seen that which is why I'm starting to avoid Twitter like I have with Facebook. It's becoming a dumpster fire of politics. I've considered making a dummy account just so I can share my views and debate, without delving my dinosaur drawings into a pit of political carnage.

But then I re-think it, that's what I used to do 10 years ago on Facebook. I haven't been active on Facebook for about 4-5 years and in that time I've been a lot happier, and a lot more productive creatively.

I realised it's because how much time I'd spend (waste) on political arguments on Facebook, and I've noticed this shift happening on Twitter eversince the later end of the Covid shutdowns. Especially the "covidot" trend.

Like... I'd LOVE to get in there and give some of these people a peice of my mind... but at the end of the day, I could easily spend an hour or two debating with someone about how they should be more open minded, when I could spend that time editing a video, responding to comments on my videos etc.

People like you've described, I'm seeing more and more of, they'll trole through your history to ensure you're squeky clean, but worst is now... if you want to presence on Twitter to the likes of Nick Nimmin and Roberto Blake, who have THOUSANDS of followers... you get attacked on Twitter if you DON'T say anything political. You get called out for having views, you called out for being "silent" this is why I'm starting to loath social media culture now. Twitter is slowly becoming the new Facebook. You can never do the right thing, and people are just hungry to find one fault, and "cancel" you over the smallest mistake now, and it's those people you've described, making spreadsheets of "facts" that are the culprits of it.

Just another trend in social media we simply must adapt to if we want a "succesful" brand on social media. Mr Beast recently was tested in this department on his own accounts, despite how much he has given to charity.
I couldn't agree more, with the fact that being a creator takes a lot of time. Scripting, editing, composing it all together, finding tracks, tags, titles R&D and timing tracks accordingly for most impact etc. I to left the SM scene for years & only use it now to share my latest uploads or promos. Taking the time to make another account just to fiddle around with potential prospects (getting caught in the crossfire & cutting into my $ time) and going a step further to grab intel on the followers point of views would pretty much wipe my chances of achieving my YouTube goals. So needless to say I'm not going to go that route, at least not anytime soon. I wish I had more time! Both great points brought up but leaning more to the side of working my channel as twitter and FB could be a rabbit hole especially during election times.