YouTube Opinion Why ONE bad performing video, might make future GOOD videos perform worse. And it's the human element

Beanie Draws

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Roughly 17/18 minutes into this video (near the end) Zack points out the flaw that many have mentioned, where if you have a bad performing video, the next video you release won't be pushed out as much "because" that video didn't perform, so "algorithmically" your next video "might" not perform as well either, so YouTube is less likely to push that video out to as many non subscribers "because why would we if people didn't want to watch that last video"

This has been the consensus for about a year or more now, and is "algorithmically decided"

YouTube have "come out and said" that this isn't true (YouTube say a lot of things to save face)

In this video however, Tom points out something that Zack tagged onto the end, but struck a nerve with me... "Maybe your next performing videos just weren't as good as you thought they were" and to that, Zack said "well yeah, maybe our viewers saw that video, didn't think it was good, and figured out next videos weren't going to be good either"


This is a very interesting and fair perspective.

I've stopped watching Markiplier and some other creators because one or two of their videos weren't what I'd originally signed up for. Some creators have released some series I just didn't enjoy, so I assumed the next videos in that series wouldn't interest me either.

So really, it's the viewer, and not necessarily the algorithm that decides how well your next video performs. The viewer might just decide "that last video wasn't that great, I'm not going to bother watching the next one"

It's about maintaining trust in the quality, theme and niche and style you do. Some experiments will work, some will annoy your viewers and they won't want to come back. It's happened to me. "sometimes your content just sucks" as Derral pointed out... and if one video stank... why should a viewer expect the next video will be any better?

T'was an interesting point.
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Life ain't no Nintendo Game
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The irony of you not watching Markiplier anymore is that his channel is from a time when mixed content was the ideal type of content at that time. Playing all kinds of games so long as his usual antics and jokes were part of the gameplay is what made him explode. But YouTube is different these days. Viewers like consistency, they like specific kinds of content. I'm a gamer but I only enjoy certain games so gameplay of games I don't care about is not my thing. I rarely watch him anymore because of that. His older audience is there for him, any new viewers might not like some of the games he plays thus will not watch every video.

So in essence a mixed channel with this kind of algorithm obstacle will make for a really bad and hard experience on YouTube these days.
Beanie Draws

Beanie Draws

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The irony of you not watching Markiplier anymore is that his channel is from a time when mixed content was the ideal type of content at that time. Playing all kinds of games so long as his usual antics and jokes were part of the gameplay is what made him explode. But YouTube is different these days. Viewers like consistency, they like specific kinds of content. I'm a gamer but I only enjoy certain games so gameplay of games I don't care about is not my thing. I rarely watch him anymore because of that. His older audience is there for him, any new viewers might not like some of the games he plays thus will not watch every video.

So in essence a mixed channel with this kind of algorithm obstacle will make for a really bad and hard experience on YouTube these days.

To be fair, it wasn't the mixed veriaty of his videos that caused me to stop watching. It's the fact over the last year or two, he seems to have become VERY self centric. It started when he did the "a date with Markiplier" and "who killed Markiplier". Like, I get it, he's proud of those videos, and they were REMARKABLY well done... but it's the fact he's turned himself into a bit of a lore, talking about what he does as if he's some god of content creation... then it's the way he's treated his friends over the last year. The way he's treated Ethan during Unnus Annus, and how he's spoken to his fans when they ask him questions now... it seems like he doesn't care about the people who adore him, and he gives this vibe to me, as if he expect that kind of adoration, and when he gets it, he's a bit "eh whatever, I know I'm great"

I think it's more of a character than actually who he is. Like, people seem to like his "egotistical" character, so he's gravitated more towards it. And Interestingly enough PewDiePie has gravitated AWAY from his character. PewDiePie has moved away from the celebrity style and seems a lot more grounded these days, and tends to go more as Felix than the character of PewDiePie.

So sometimes, people start doing things in their videos that make me think "wow... you've got really annoying" or "wow... you've got really arrogant latley, I don't know if I can be bothered watching anymore"

Some people change up their editing style and people pick up on that as well, for better or for worse.

kitchen c/o ammama

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Roughly 17/18 minutes into this video (near the end) Zack points out the flaw that many have mentioned, where if you have a bad performing video, the next video you release won't be pushed out as much "because" that video didn't perform, so "algorithmically" your next video "might" not perform as well either, so YouTube is less likely to push that video out to as many non subscribers "because why would we if people didn't want to watch that last video"

This has been the consensus for about a year or more now, and is "algorithmically decided"

YouTube have "come out and said" that this isn't true (YouTube say a lot of things to save face)

In this video however, Tom points out something that Zack tagged onto the end, but struck a nerve with me... "Maybe your next performing videos just weren't as good as you thought they were" and to that, Zack said "well yeah, maybe our viewers saw that video, didn't think it was good, and figured out next videos weren't going to be good either"


This is a very interesting and fair perspective.

I've stopped watching Markiplier and some other creators because one or two of their videos weren't what I'd originally signed up for. Some creators have released some series I just didn't enjoy, so I assumed the next videos in that series wouldn't interest me either.

So really, it's the viewer, and not necessarily the algorithm that decides how well your next video performs. The viewer might just decide "that last video wasn't that great, I'm not going to bother watching the next one"

It's about maintaining trust in the quality, theme and niche and style you do. Some experiments will work, some will annoy your viewers and they won't want to come back. It's happened to me. "sometimes your content just sucks" as Derral pointed out... and if one video stank... why should a viewer expect the next video will be any better?

T'was an interesting point.

Really like your explanation . Now I rewind back to my videos. There are few low videos and the next video was good .. it wasn't really going as great as I expected. I called few of my friends/ relatives to check it out if they can and give me a feedback .

When they actually saw the Video, they appreciated a lot. They pointed out all the good things they liked / saw improvement.

So, yes ... it's the algorithm ... algorithm of the mind.
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