[Badge being made, in the mean time here is a video!]
It's time to crown a new member of the Month! Shout out to our last member, @Scuplex
thank you for your contribution! Congratulations @Mario So for your contributions!
They have done the following:
Be active on the forums!
Introduce new Members!
Suggest new ideas for TubeBuddy!
Follow the rules.
Report those breaking the rules.
Provide feedback to those who need it.
Engage in forum discussions.
Featured post from them:
Thumbnail Feedback - Thumbnail with Face or not?
Hi tubebudy friends, I have been trying to experiment thumbnails without my face versus those with a shocked, funny, weird, face on them. But being a small channel I'm still having trouble figuring out which way works best for my channel. Any thoughts?
Thanks for all you do, Congratulations and Remember to DM ME for your free month upgrade!