User name: Younsse outaik
Title of introduction: Younsse ou
Your name/ Alias: Younsse ou
Where are you from? Morocco
How did you find TubeBuddy? Youtube
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? لترويج لقناة للانتساب الى youtube
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: اريد ان يستيقظ الناس من سباتهم ارجو ان تلقى منشوراتي اهتماما خاص
How frequently do you upload? تقريبا يوميا
What are your hobbies? كرة القدم
What is your biggest dream? ان يستعيد الاسلا م والمسلمين عزتاهم
YouTube Channel Link:
Title of introduction: Younsse ou
Your name/ Alias: Younsse ou
Where are you from? Morocco
How did you find TubeBuddy? Youtube
What made you join the TubeBuddy forums? لترويج لقناة للانتساب الى youtube
What would you like to accomplish with your channel: اريد ان يستيقظ الناس من سباتهم ارجو ان تلقى منشوراتي اهتماما خاص
How frequently do you upload? تقريبا يوميا
What are your hobbies? كرة القدم
What is your biggest dream? ان يستعيد الاسلا م والمسلمين عزتاهم
YouTube Channel Link: