Hey! I usually don't ask for thumbnails feedback but I also haven't posted anything in months (*coughs) so why not?
This is for my series called Bad Ramblings, and I have all of my videos color-coded depending on whether it's a manga (orange), anime (teal), or VN (purple).

I usually put the title underneath me, but sometimes I don't if the cover is real obvious. This is the format for my BAs thumbnails. Me on the right, manga on the left, and maybe some text lol.
This is for my series called Bad Ramblings, and I have all of my videos color-coded depending on whether it's a manga (orange), anime (teal), or VN (purple).

I usually put the title underneath me, but sometimes I don't if the cover is real obvious. This is the format for my BAs thumbnails. Me on the right, manga on the left, and maybe some text lol.