I feel like you've got a lot going on and it's tough for me to focus.
When I compose a layout, I separate my grid into 3 distinct sections. Think of your layout like a band: You have the soloist (takes front and center) and the backup singers (supporting element), and the song title. I decide which element is going to be my soloist and which is going to be supporting.
Decide which element you want to exalt as your soloist. You can make variations of your layout to see which resonates best with you and your viewers. If the trend is to include your face, then don't be shy. Then juxtapose it with the steamboat OR the house, not both. You'll see how removing an element tightens your comp and helps tell a clean story.
If you're still a bit confused, borrow the layouts from the YouTubers with high views. Use that to set your stage and then see how your thumbnail looks.
Hope that helps!