Cine Gear Expo was going on this weekend (Exhibits from May 31st to June 1st) Pretty much all of the major players in the Cinema world show up (ARRI, Panavision, Blackmagic, Sony, Panasonic etc...) Literally everything from Cameras to Lights and even Vehicles designed to aid with production
. One of the things to make it's debut at the event was a Mercedes Van equipped with a large enough luxury viewing area for 5 people connected to a full Davinci editing suite in the back for working with footage on the go. Has a 6 hour run time on the car's own battery and if the engine is on its self sustaining
! There was well over 100 booths but you know me... I went straight to the vehicles like the legendary Huracam 
Are there any gear related conventions you like going to?

Are there any gear related conventions you like going to?