Something my Granddad used to say springs to mind. 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'. I'm getting a bit cheesed off with the almost weekly tinkering.
Although I've never paid much interest in what happens on a day to day basis at YouTube HQ, I am starting to think that the YouTube algorithm is...
Peter Jackson and the mobile phone killed visiting the cinema for me. I can't be doing with plot deviations in film adaptions of well-known books or the constant text alerts of the lost generation sitting around me. Apart from which, as I slip into my dotage, I've already noticed that I've...
One of my favourite authors and series!
I'm currently reading The Rivers of London series of novels, novellas and graphic novels by Ben Aaronovitch. Sort of Harry Potter as a police procedural. Excellent stuff. Faced paced, witty, with some excellent characters and a depth of knowledge of both...
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