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Recent content by Cabbitude

  1. Cabbitude

    Official Post Your Latest Video Here!

    What do you do when a bunch of your pre-prepared videos turn out to be corrupted and broken enough that it literally requires re-recording EVERYTHING so you don't have anything for the next few days yet you're committed to a '1 release per day' schedule, come hell or high water? Why, you pull...
  2. Cabbitude

    Official Post Your Latest Video Here!

    Bioshock 2 Playthrough has at last begun! This is also my first recording with the new microphone! Whatchya think?
  3. Cabbitude

    What was the first Video Game you Remember playing?

    I've been a gamer since I was an infant... at least it feels that way. My Dad was very into technology and we were one of the only houses in town with not one, but TWO computers through the late 80s and early 90s.. So I played a lot of video games in that era... But let's see what I can recall -...
  4. Cabbitude

    Official Post Your Latest Video Here!

    New series starting today with new episodes out every day at 12pm PST/3pm EST
  5. Cabbitude

    What was your first Online Game?

    This is probably going to date me so bad :p In the realm of 'games found online' there was a 'gnome bowling' game that was around in the late 90s that my Tech Ed teacher would let me and the other wee-nerds play after school was out if we had to hang out after school for whatever reason. But...
  6. Cabbitude

    Do you Play Overwatch?

    I actually got overwatch pretty recently (during the Xmas sale). I'm a HUGE fan of TF2, so when Overwatch became a thing I got really excited and figured it would be about the same. I was SO happy when I finally bought it... then I met the community. I haven't touched it after I was cussed out...
  7. Cabbitude

    Last Game You Played?

    Papers, Please
  8. Cabbitude

    What Recording software do you use?

    Right now I use OBS to record my gameplay or anything else on my screens. I also record my audio separatedly using Audacity. I have a hotkey set up so they both start recording at the same(ish) time, though it's never quite precise so I usually keep the audio recording on in OBS long enough for...
  9. Cabbitude

    What Microphones do you Use?

    I was using my crappy headset microphone but it's been getting substantially crappier for a little while now and after moving the whole setup into my new office it's just godawful. My new mic arrived today though and it's AMAZING. I can't wait to start using it for my let's plays and who knows...
  10. Cabbitude

    Let's count to 10,000 :D

  11. Cabbitude

    Where are you from?

    Mountain Time Zone in the US
  12. Cabbitude

    Official Post Your Latest Video Here!

    This is definitely one of my all time favorite games. It doesn't look like much but it's actually really fantastic. The video game version of 'don't judge a book by its cover'. Don't judge a game by its graphics. Think 'VVVVVVVVV' with an engaging story, multiple characters, and maybe a little...
  13. Cabbitude

    The Never Ending Sentence [Continuous]

    Bananaphone that